Tomsic Physical Therapy

Stretch and Flexibilty

Personalized, One on One, Assisted Stretch and Flexibility Sessions with our Certified Stretch and Flexibility Coach

What is Assisted Stretch by a Certified Stretch and Flexibility Coach?

  • Different than stretching at home, our Certified Stretch and Flexibility Coach will take you through a series of stretches that include specific positioning, stabilization, and isolation of muscles to help you get deeper and longer lasting mobility.
  • Your Coach does the work and you get the benefits!

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Enhance Athletic and Physical Performance

Increase your Range of Motion

Do you suffer from ongoing stiffness and just can’t seem to get away from it? We can help.

Tired of those chronic Hamstring strains?

Busy life and don’t have time? Let us help you gain the flexibility and ROM you need to stay active and injury free.

Don’t know how to stretch safely? Want help from an expert?

Limited in your activities or athletic performance because you can’t move in the way your body should?

You know you should be stretching, but you just don’t. Let us help fill in that gap in your fitness routine.

You know your back feels better when you stretch, but just can’t fit it into you daily routine, or don’t know exactly what to do? Let us…

When we stretch on our own it is very difficult to isolate individual muscles, especially around the low back and hip, and the shoulder girdle. This leads to overuse of certain muscles and underuse of others, creating an imbalance. By utilizing our individualized program, you Coach can isolate these muscles, and free up your movement for enhanced performance and a feeling of freedom and lightness.

We all know posture is important, but still struggle to maintain it. When we have chronic poor posture, the muscles in the front of our chest and shoulder shorten which makes it even harder to find correct as time goes on. This creates a vicious cycle of wanting better posture but the inability to find it. Let our Stretch and Flexibility Coach help get you back into and maintain correct posture. This will also free up shoulder and neck motion.

Looking To Get Booked In? Simply Click The Link Below To Get Started!!!

Do you want to improve your Pickleball game on our new outdoor courts? Are you struggling with twisting, or perhaps shoulder mobility on your serve? Our Stretch and Flexibility Coach can help improve these and many other limitations you are experiencing on the court.

Did you know that increased Range of Motion can increase your reaction time. Use this technique to further improve your game and get a one up on your competitor on our new outdoor Pickle ball courts.

Thanks to our modern sedentary lifestyle, we start to losing flexibility in our 30’s and this tends to progress as we age unless we actively do something about it. We usually can ‘get by’ for a few years as the subtle and nagging aches and pains build up, until finally it is interfering with our activities. Let us help you regain that flexibility and return you to your full potential for your activities and sport, even if is a better reach into the back seat where your child is.

Most people don’t stretch prior to activity. Stretching has been shown to lessen the likelihood of injury. Getting a once a week Professional Stretch from a Certified Stretch and Flexibility Coach to get a deeper stretch will further reduce that likelihood in addition to still stretch on your own prior to activity.

Looking To Get Booked In? Simply Click The Link Below To Get Started!!!

  • Different than stretching at home, our Certified Stretch and Flexibility Coach will take you through a series of stretches that include specific positioning, stabilization and isolation of muscles to help you get deeper and longer lasting mobility.
  • Your Coach does the work and you get the benefits.
  • When you stretch on your own, you are still using muscles to do the stretch. When you are relaxed on the table and being stretched by your Certified Stretch and Flexibility Coach, your body can relax, and we can isolate and stabilize the muscle to get a deeper stretch.
Anyone who is
  • Unsure how to stretch
  • Wants a deeper stretch
  • Wants assisted stretch
  • Can’t seem to do it on their own, but knows they need it
  • Has a certain body region that they just can’t seem to stretch out
  • Who want to feel relaxed in their body
  • Someone with an active injury that need Medical or Physical Therapy care.
  • If you have an active injury and are not sure what type of care you need, call our office and book a free Discovery Visit, and we can talk to you about your situation and help guide you into the correct services.
  • The 25 min session is a total body program designed to get you moving better.
  • The 50 min session will address the whole body as well as…
  • We also offer a 50 min combined stretch and cupping session.
  • Your Coach will help identify differences from side to side, and help to rebalance your body
  • If you are interested, your Stretch and Flexibility Coach will help design a complimentary program for you to complete at home to do between your sessions.
  • Cupping Therapy is an ancient healing technique that has been used for thousands of years to treat various conditions including pain. A provider places cups on the body area and applies a vacuum or suction force that pulls your skin upward.
  • Cupping therapy is believed to work by increasing blood flow to the intended area, which can help decrease inflammation, improve circulation, and relieve pain. It is also thought to help stimulate the flow of lymphatic fluid, which can help remove toxins from the body.
  • It’s important to note that scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is limited and should not be used as an alternative to conventional medical treatment.
Cupping Therapy is commonly used to treat the following conditions:
  1. Pain: Cupping therapy is often used to treat musculoskeletal pain, such as back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain, as well as arm, leg, and calf pain.
  2. Inflammation: Cupping therapy is believed to help reduce inflammation, which can benefit conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and asthma.
  3. Anxiety and depression: Some people find that cupping therapy can help them to feel more relaxed and calm, which can be beneficial for anxiety and depression.
  4. Digestive issues: Cupping therapy is believed to help stimulate digestion and improve nutrient absorption, which can benefit conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  5. Headaches and migraines: Cupping therapy is sometimes used to help alleviate the pain and discomfort linked with headaches and migraines.
  • Cupping may leave bruising marks on the skin. These marks are not painful. This gradually reduces over approximately a week. You may also feel a ‘pinching’ sensation during the treatment.
  • Many professional athletes as well as collegiate and recreational athletes use cupping to help control muscular pain and improve athletic performance.
  • Go to TomsicPT Web page (click here) and you will see all the offerings. Click on the services you are interested in and follow the prompt to schedule your appointment.
  • You can also call our office directly, (970) 259-0574, and we would be happy to schedule an appointment for you.
  • The amount for each different session will be listed next to the service on the ‘Schedule Your Appointment’ page. We have discounts for both 5 session and 10 session packages of both Stretch and Flexibility, and Massage.
  • You pay online at the time of booking.
  • You will be emailed an Intake form to fill out. Please do this electronically and submit. Your Stretch and Flexibility Coach will review this prior to, and with you on your first session. It is important for your Coach to be aware of your specific concerns and needs prior to your initial appointment to be able to offer you the most customized program possible.
  • Loose fitting or stretchy gym clothes that you can easily move around in.
  • You don’t want your clothing to limit your Coaches’ ability to stretch you to your full potential.

Looking To Get Booked In? Simply Click The Link Below To Get Started!!!

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