Conquering Ironhorse: Strategies for a Successful Bike Race Weekend

As the snow melts and spring heralds the return of outdoor activities, many find themselves dusting off their bicycles, fueled by the excitement and anticipation of the upcoming Ironhorse Bicycle Classic. Yet, amidst the eagerness lies a thread of apprehension.

Are you truly ready to race against a train, to tackle the mountain bike challenges that await on the second day? The fear of being unprepared or physically unfit for such an epic bike race weekend can dampen your spirit. But here’s the good news: with the right preparation and support, you can transform that apprehension into confidence and excitement.

How Can Physical Therapy Help Me Prepare for Ironhorse?

For those wondering how to shake off the rust and get race-ready, physical therapy offers a beacon of hope. At Tomsic Physical Therapy, we understand that the key to conquering the Ironhorse isn’t just about logging miles—it’s about preparing your body to perform at its best, minimizing the risk of injury, and enhancing your overall cycling experience. Here’s how we can help:

  • Targeted Strength Training: Building strength in specific muscle groups crucial for cycling can significantly improve your power and endurance. Our tailored programs focus on your core, legs, and back, ensuring you’re strong where it counts.
  • Flexibility and Mobility: A flexible and mobile body is less prone to injuries and more capable of efficient movement. We guide you through stretches and mobility exercises that increase your range of motion and reduce muscle tightness, keeping you agile and pain-free.
  • Injury Prevention and Recovery: Understanding the common cycling injuries and how to prevent them is paramount. Our expertise in injury prevention, coupled with strategies for quick recovery, means you spend more time enjoying the ride and less time sidelined.
  • Bike Fit and Ergonomics: The fit of your bike can dramatically affect your performance and risk of injury. We provide bike fit assessments to ensure your setup promotes optimal posture and efficiency, making every pedal stroke count.

3 Strategies for a Successful Bike Race Weekend

As you gear up for the Ironhorse Bicycle Classic and its mountain biking challenges, here are three strategies to ensure you’re at the top of your game:

  1. Comprehensive Warm-Up Routine: Never underestimate the power of a good warm-up. Start each day with a routine that activates your muscles, boosts circulation, and prepares your body for the demands of the race. This not only enhances performance but also reduces the risk of injury.
  2. Hydration and Nutrition: Fueling your body correctly is just as important as physical training. Focus on a balanced diet rich in nutrients and stay hydrated, especially in the days leading up to the race. Proper nutrition and hydration can significantly impact your energy levels and endurance.
  3. Rest and Recovery: While it’s tempting to cram in last-minute training, remember that rest is crucial. Ensure you’re getting enough sleep and consider light, recovery-focused activities, such as gentle stretching or yoga, in the days before the race. Allowing your body to recover fully will leave you refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges ahead.

The Ironhorse Bicycle Classic is more than just a bike race; it’s a testament to the resilience and determination of cyclists like you. At Tomsic Physical Therapy, we’re committed to helping you prepare for this thrilling event, ensuring you can enjoy every moment from start to finish. With the right strategies and support, you’ll not only conquer the Ironhorse but also discover new heights of personal achievement.

As you pedal into this adventure, remember: every race is an opportunity to celebrate your passion for cycling and the hard work you’ve put into preparing. Let’s make this bike race weekend a memorable and victorious experience. Ready to start your journey to a successful Ironhorse Classic? Reach out to Tomsic PT today and let us support you every mile of the way.

Ride Into Spring with Confidence

Embracing the thrill of biking and the beauty of spring should enhance your joy, not detract from your well-being.

Implementing strategies for peak performance and injury prevention ensures every bike ride is an opportunity for adventure and exhilaration.

Stay energized and protected, and remember, Tomsic Physical Therapy is here to support every pedal of the way.

If bike race preparations or lingering concerns are slowing you down, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Just call us at (970) 259-0574, and our expert team will be eager to uncover the root of any issues and guide you towards your best ride yet.

Embark on this journey to a triumphant bike race weekend in 2024 with us. Your cycling success and wellness are our top priorities!

Other Free Resources On Injury Prevention

Read Our Blog – How to Prevent Knee Pain: Essential Tips for Navigating Winter Injuries

Read Our Blog – Our Top 5 Tips For Injury Prevention In The Snow

Follow Tomsic PT on social media – FacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn

How to Prevent Knee Pain: Essential Tips for Navigating Winter Injuries

As the curtain of winter slowly lifts, revealing the first signs of spring, many of us carry the weight of the season not just in our hearts but in our bodies too.

The pristine beauty of snow and ice, for all its enchanting moments, can leave behind a less welcome legacy of pain and injury, particularly around the knees, ankles, and lower back.

If you’re moving into spring hoping to shed the discomfort of winter injuries, you’re not alone.

At Tomsic Physical Therapy, we understand the importance of transitioning into the warmer months with strength and ease, free from the shadows of pain.

Understanding Winter Injuries

Winter injuries are more common than many might think, with slick ice and heavy snowfall creating perfect conditions for slips, falls, and overexertion.

Knee pain, in particular, can arise from several winter activities – from the repetitive motion of shoveling snow to an unexpected fall on the ice.

Recognizing these risks and knowing how to mitigate them is your first step toward a pain-free spring.

“How to prevent knee pain” becomes more than just a query; it’s a guide to safeguarding your mobility and well-being during the coldest months.

5 Essential Tips for Navigating Winter Injuries

Prevention and care are key elements of overcoming and avoiding knee pain during winter.

Here are five tips, rooted in physical therapy, to help you navigate through and recover from winter injuries:

1. Embrace Proper Warm-Up Techniques:

Before stepping out into the cold or starting any strenuous activity like shoveling, warm up your body.

Dynamic exercises that target the legs and knees can increase blood flow, improve flexibility, and significantly reduce your risk of injury.

2. Choose the Right Footwear:

Slips and falls on ice are a common cause of knee injuries.

Invest in shoes with excellent traction or add external grip aids like yak tracks to your winter boots.

This simple change can provide stability, reduce the risk of falls, and thereby protect your knees from sudden impacts.

3. Adopt Safe Shoveling Practices:

Shoveling snow is a notorious culprit behind winter knee pain.

Use an ergonomic shovel, and remember to lift with your legs rather than your back to avoid strain.

Take regular breaks to prevent overworking your muscles and joints.

4. Stay Active Indoors:

Maintaining strength and flexibility in your knee joints is crucial for injury prevention.

Indoor exercises such as squats, leg lifts, and stretches can keep your knees robust and resilient against the stresses of winter activities.

5. Listen and React to Your Body:

Ignoring knee pain can lead to more serious injuries. At the first sign of discomfort, reduce your activity level and apply ice to any swollen areas.

If pain persists, seeking professional advice is essential. Physical therapy can offer targeted exercises and rehabilitation strategies tailored to your specific needs.

Transitioning to Spring with Strength

As you look forward to the warmer days of spring, let the resolution to prevent knee pain guide your steps.

The journey from recovery back to your favorite activities doesn’t have to be long and arduous.

With the right knowledge and support, you can emerge from the winter season stronger and ready to embrace all the joys spring has to offer.

At Tomsic Physical Therapy, we’re dedicated to providing not just hope, but real solutions to those seeking relief from knee pain.

Our approach is grounded in the belief that with the right care and action, recovery is within reach.

Liberate Yourself from Winter Discomfort

Maintaining an active lifestyle and relishing the winter delights shouldn’t compromise your well-being.

Adopting these strategies for preventing injuries does more than protect your health; it guarantees that each day of winter can be embraced with happiness and vitality.

Keep cozy and secure, and know that we are here to assist you at every turn.

Wave Goodbye to Aches and Welcome Knee Pain Prevention with Tomsic Physical Therapy And for an added bonus: This month, we’re excited to present a FREE Telephone Consultation offer!

Should any winter injuries be dampening your spirits and hindering your health objectives, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Simply dial (970) 259-0574, and our knowledgeable team will be ready to explore the root causes of your discomfort and chart the best path to recovery.

Let’s take this journey towards a stronger, pain-free existence in 2024 together. Your health and wellness are our utmost concern!

Other Free Resources On Injury Prevention

Read Our Blog – 5 Proven Tips To Prepare For Snow Sports You Need To Hear

Read Our Blog – 3 Things You Should Do To Prevent Running Injuries

Follow Tomsic PT on social media – FacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn

Our Top 5 Tips For Injury Prevention In The Snow

As the winter season unfolds, bringing with it the pristine beauty of snow-covered landscapes, it’s crucial to remember that this picturesque time can also come with potential hazards, particularly snow-related injuries.

At Tomsic Physical Therapy, we believe in the power of preparation and education to enjoy the season safely.

That’s why we’ve compiled our top 5 tips for injury prevention in the snow, ensuring that you can cherish the winter months without the shadow of injury looming over.

Injury prevention is at the heart of enjoying the colder months to the fullest. Whether you’re an avid skier, a snow shoveling veteran, or someone who enjoys the simple pleasure of a walk in a winter wonderland, these tips are for you.

Our Top Injury Prevention Tips

1. Warm Up Before Tackling the Snow

Before you even grab that shovel or strap on your winter boots, take a few minutes to warm up your muscles.

Start with some light indoor stretching focusing on your back, arms, and legs. Then, do a series of dynamic warm-ups such as leg swings and arm circles.

This preparation increases your heart rate and blood flow to muscles, reducing the risk of strains or pulls.

Why does this matter? A body that’s warmed up is more flexible and can handle the physical demands of shoveling or navigating through snow much better.

2. Master the Art of Safe Shoveling

Shoveling snow is a major winter activity that, if not done correctly, can lead to serious back injuries. Use an ergonomic shovel to minimize bending and extend your leverage.

When shoveling, bend at your knees, not your waist, and lift with your leg muscles, keeping your back straight. Avoid twisting your torso to throw snow; instead, walk it to the dumping spot.

This method protects your lower back and distributes the workload more evenly across your body’s stronger muscle groups.

3. Dress for Success and Safety

Layering up isn’t just for warmth; it’s also for protection. Wear insulated, waterproof boots with a non-slip tread design to reduce the risk of slips and falls.

For added stability on icy surfaces, consider attaching yak tracks to your footwear. Yak tracks provide excellent traction, significantly lowering your chances of a fall.

This simple addition to your winter gear can be a game-changer, offering you confidence with every step you take on snow and ice.

4. Walking Wisely in Winter Wonderland

Walking on snow and ice requires a special technique to avoid injuries.

Take short, deliberate steps or shuffle for stability. Keep your center of gravity over your feet as much as possible.

Use handrails when available, especially on stairs. If you’re venturing out into less predictable terrain, walking poles can provide an extra point of contact.

Remember, it’s not about speed but safety. Adopting these cautious walking habits can prevent painful falls and keep you upright and mobile all winter long.

5. Listen to Your Body

It’s important to listen to your body’s signals. If you feel pain or discomfort while shoveling or after a slip, stop what you’re doing and assess.

Pushing through pain can lead to more severe injuries. If you’ve experienced a fall and notice swelling, bruising, or pain that worsens over time, it’s crucial to seek medical attention.

Early intervention can mean a quicker recovery, getting you back to your winter activities with less downtime.

Free Yourself From Pain This Winter

Staying active and enjoying the winter season doesn’t have to come with the cost of your health.

By embracing these injury prevention strategies, you’re not just safeguarding your health; you’re ensuring that every winter day can be filled with the joy and activity you love.

Stay safe and warm, and remember, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Don’t Forget About Our Special Offer!

Don’t let snow injuries disrupt your winter fun. If you’ve had a slip or strain this season, take advantage of our FREE Snow Injury Telephone Consultation.

With expert advice at no cost, we’re here to help you recover swiftly and safely. Contact us NOW to secure your consultation and step confidently through the rest of winter!

With the right approach and support, you can achieve a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Other Free Resources On Injury Prevention

Read Our Blog – 5 Proven Tips To Prepare For Snow Sports You Need To Hear

Read Our Blog – 3 Things You Should Do To Prevent Running Injuries

Follow Tomsic PT on social media – FacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn

A Path to Wellness in 2024: Get Upper Back Pain Relief

Welcome to a brand new year, where your wellness goals are within reach – as soon as you get that much needed and deserved upper back pain relief!

We understand the emotional toll of missing out on activities and experiences due to persistent upper back pain.

At Tomsic Physical Therapy, we’re here to help you break free from the grip of discomfort, so you can fully embrace a healthier, more active life.

Gone are the days where you find yourself sitting out of your favorite sport, sidelined by your nagging discomfort.

So, let’s dive deep into three effective ways to find upper back pain relief and ensure you stay on track with your wellness goals throughout 2024.

Your Path To Upper Back Pain Relief In 3 Steps

1. Mindful Movement

Gentle exercises like walking or yoga can work wonders in finding upper back pain relief. These activities promote flexibility and strength without putting undue stress on your back. Let’s break down how each of these can benefit you:


  • It’s one of the simplest yet most effective forms of exercise.
  • Walking regularly encourages blood flow to your back muscles, promoting healing and reducing pain.
  • Start with short walks and gradually increase your distance and pace as your back becomes stronger.


  • Yoga is a fantastic way to improve flexibility, balance, and core strength.
  • Many yoga poses specifically target the muscles supporting your spine.
  • The gentle stretching and controlled movements can provide chronic upper back pain relief.


  • Stretches like the cat-cow, child’s pose, and the knee-to-chest stretch are excellent choices for a healthy back.
  • Check out our Instagram page for more details on how to perform these simple stretches and feel upper back pain relief.

2. Posture Perfection

Proper posture is a game-changer when it comes to alleviating and preventing back pain. Let’s take a closer look at why it’s essential and how you can achieve it:

Why Posture Matters:

  • Maintaining good posture keeps your spine aligned, reducing the stress on your back muscles and discs.
  • It helps distribute the weight of your body evenly, preventing excessive strain on specific areas.
  • On the contrary, poor posture can lead to muscle imbalances, chronic pain, and even structural issues over time.

Common Posture Errors:

  • Slouching, hunching over, and sitting with a rounded lower back are common posture errors that can contribute to overall back pain.
  • When sitting, your feet should be flat on the ground, your lower back should have a slight arch, and your shoulders should be relaxed, not hunched forward, to protect your upper back.

Posture Tips:

  • Practice being mindful of your posture throughout the day.
  • Use ergonomic chairs and desks at work to support good posture.
  • Consider exercises that strengthen your core, as a strong core is essential for maintaining good posture.

3. Regular Breaks

If you have a desk job or spend long hours sitting, taking regular breaks is crucial for preventing and alleviating back pain. Here’s why and how you should incorporate breaks into your daily routine:

Why Breaks Matter:

  • Prolonged sitting can lead to stiffness in your back muscles and reduced circulation.
  • Regular breaks allow you to stretch, move, and maintain muscle engagement, preventing discomfort and pain.

Break Strategies:

  • Set an alarm or reminder to take a short break every hour.
  • During these breaks, stand up, stretch, and walk around for a few minutes.
  • Gentle back stretches and neck rolls can help release tension.
  • Also, consider using a standing desk for part of your workday to reduce the time spent sitting.

Remember, every small step you take towards better back health can lead to significant improvements in your overall wellness.

By incorporating mindful movement, perfecting your posture, and scheduling regular breaks into your daily routine, you’ll be well on your way to a pain-free and active 2024.

Say Goodbye To Discomfort And Hello To Upper Back Pain Relief With Tomsic Physical Therapy

And here’s the icing on the cake: We’re offering a special opportunity this month—a FREE Telephone Consultation!

If you have any injuries that are holding you back from your wellness goals, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Just give us a call at (970) 259-0574, and our expert team will help you understand the potential causes and find the best way forward.

Let’s embark on this journey to a healthier, pain-free you in 2024 together. Your wellness is our priority!

Other Free Resources To Help Prevent Back Injuries

Read Our Blog – 4 Exercises to Avoid With Sciatica

Read Our Blog – 4 Things You Could Be Doing That Make Your Sciatica WORSE

On Social Media? Follow Us On – Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

5 Proven Tips To Prepare For Snow Sports You Need To Hear

As the Christmas season blankets our landscapes with its festive cheer and sparkling snow, the mountains call to us—the skiers, the boarders, the winter adventurers.

There’s a unique magic in carving through fresh powder, the cool air against your face, the world a blur of white and adrenaline.

Yet, with every swoop and every turn, there’s an unspoken understanding that the joy of snow sports comes with a risk: the risk of injury.

And nothing dampens the holiday spirit quite like the prospect of being confined to the couch, a spectator to the season’s joy rather than a participant.

In this blog you will uncover what causes snow sport injuries, and 5 proven tips to prevent them.

Ready, set, go…

Understanding Snow Sport Injuries

Snow sports injuries can range from mild twists and sprains to more serious fractures or ligament tears.

They’re often the result of falls, collisions, or improper technique, and the consequences can be far-reaching.

A moment’s miscalculation can lead to weeks, even months, of recovery.

The common thread among these injuries? Most are preventable with the right preparation.

The impact of these injuries extends beyond physical pain; it can mean missed opportunities for creating memories on family ski trips, or solitude when you should be celebrating with loved ones.

It’s not just about physical readiness; it’s about safeguarding the experiences that make the holiday season truly enchanting.

5 Proven Tips To Prepare For Snow Sports You Need To Hear

Begin with Balance: Mastering the Mountain

Balance isn’t just about not falling over—it’s about mastering your movements and responding with agility to the mountain’s call.

When you incorporate balance exercises into your pre-season training, you’re not just preparing to stand on one leg; you’re gearing up to navigate the unpredictable nature of snowy terrains.

Utilize a balance board to mimic the shifting slopes, or practice yoga to refine your proprioception.

Each balance exercise brings you closer to moving with the mountain rather than against it, ensuring each twist, turn, and jump is executed with poise and precision.

Core Strength is Key: Your Center of Power

Your core is the powerhouse of your body, the commander-in-chief of your snow sports endeavors.

When you strengthen this central unit with exercises like planks, Russian twists, and bridges, you’re doing more than toning muscles; you’re building a fortress against the forces that threaten to unbalance you.

This isn’t just about having a strong center; it’s about creating a foundation that allows the rest of your body to perform harmoniously.

With a robust core, you can carve through the snow with confidence, knowing that your body has the support it needs to respond to every challenge.

Flexibility for Function: The Art of Adaptation

Flexibility in snow sports is the art of adaptation—it allows your body to conform to the demands of the sport without resistance.

When you commit to a routine of dynamic stretching, including lunges, arm sweeps, and leg swings, you’re ensuring that your muscles are prepped not just for the action but for the art of recovery.

Flexible muscles are less prone to injury because they can absorb impact and adapt to sudden changes in direction.

Imagine your body as a supple branch in the wind, bending gracefully under force, resilient in the face of pressure.

Endurance Training: Going the Distance

Endurance is what keeps you going after others have slowed.

It’s the last lap around the track, the final climb up the hill, the push through fatigue.

Cardiovascular training such as interval runs, long-distance cycling, or even swimming builds the kind of stamina that snow sports demand.

It’s not just about lasting longer; it’s about maintaining performance, keeping your technique sharp when others falter, and enjoying the last run of the day as much as the first.

Build your endurance, and you’ll find the energy to embrace the full joy of the winter season, from the first lift to the final descent.

Equipment Check: The Alliance of Gear and Athlete

Your equipment is your ally on the slopes. It should fit as if it’s an extension of your body—intuitive and responsive.

An annual equipment check is as much a part of pre-season prep as physical training.

Examine your gear for wear and tear, ensure bindings are adjusted to your weight and ability, and boots are snug yet comfortable.

If you’re not sure about the fit, seek a professional who can customize your setup.

Properly fitted equipment is the silent guardian that allows you to enjoy the exhilaration of the sport without the fear of equipment failure.

It’s about trust—the trust in your gear that translates into confidence in every snow-packed adventure.

Say Goodbye To Snow Sport Injuries At Tomsic Physical Therapy

This year, we’re bringing something special to the table – or should we say, to the slopes!

We’re thrilled to offer a FREE Prepare for Snow Sports Telephone Consultation for all of you gearing up to make the most of the snowy peaks this winter.

Whether you’re a seasoned skier, a casual snowboarder, or trying out cross-country skiing for the first time, we’re here to ensure you’re prepped and ready for action.

Just dial (970) 259-0574 and our welcoming team will set up your consultation with one of our snow sport-savvy therapists.

You’ll have the chance to delve into your pre-season regimen, discuss any concerns, and develop strategies to enhance your performance and safety on the snow

Until next time,

Ellen Tomsic and the Tomsic PT Team

Other Free Resources To Prevent Injuries

Read Our Blog – 4 Things You Could Be Doing That Make Your Sciatica Worse

Read Our Blog – Strength Training In Physical Therapy

4 Exercises to Avoid With Sciatica

Thanksgiving is a time of warmth, joy, and… often, indulgence. But for those with sciatica, it can bring about a heightened sense of anxiety.

The season’s hustle and joy are shadowed by the lurking dread of pain flare-ups.

Every year, the holiday season can inadvertently lead to increased physical activity and, for some, the accompanying weight gain.

This can put additional strain on the spine, exacerbating sciatic discomfort.

It’s crucial to stay active, but it’s equally important to recognize that not all exercises are equal, especially when sciatica is part of the equation.

Let’s discuss how certain exercises could turn the holiday cheer into a pain so severe that even sitting down for a festive dinner becomes daunting.

Understanding Sciatica

Sciatica is more than just a sporadic pain, it’s a consistent, troubling presence that can diminish the joy of daily life.

It arises when there’s pressure or damage to the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down to the feet.

This nerve can be pinched due to a herniated disk, spinal stenosis, or a bone spur, causing pain that radiates down the back of your leg, often accompanied by numbness or tingling.

Recognizing the signs early, such as pain in the buttock or leg that worsens when sitting, a sharp ache that may make standing up challenging, or muscle weakness, can be your signal to adjust your activities

4 Exercises To Avoid With Sciatica

Deep Squats

When performed deeply, squats can compromise the integrity of your lumbar spine.

The deeper you descend, the greater the pelvic tilt and the more compression you place on the intervertebral discs.

This compressive force can intensify if your form is off, even slightly, which often happens as you fatigue or try to manage heavy weights.

For those with sciatica, this means an increased risk of irritating the nerve roots that are already sensitive, leading to an escalation in pain and discomfort.

Shallow squats can minimize this risk, maintaining muscle engagement without the added pressure.

Leg Squats

Leg lifts, particularly when your legs are straight, can be deceptively strenuous.

This movement demands significant engagement from the hip flexors, which attach to the lower spine.

When these muscles are overworked, they can create an excessive pulling force on the spine, potentially leading to further sciatic nerve irritation.

This is compounded by the fact that many individuals already have tight hip flexors due to prolonged periods of sitting.

For those with sciatica, it’s advisable to avoid this additional strain and instead focus on exercises that maintain a neutral spine and minimize hip flexor engagement.

Heavy Weightlifting

Lifting heavy weights, especially during exercises like deadlifts or overhead presses, can impose a substantial burden on your lumbar spine.

These movements require maintaining a rigid core to protect the spine; however, the heavy loads can cause even a well-maintained posture to falter, leading to a loss of the natural lumbar curve.

This can increase disc pressure and the likelihood of disc herniation, which is a common culprit in sciatic pain.

Moreover, the sheer force of lifting heavy can lead to sudden movements or shifts in form that exacerbate the nerve’s condition.

Lighter weights with a higher focus on form and controlled movements can help maintain strength without the added risk.


Running’s repetitive impact sends shockwaves up the legs to the spine with every footfall.

On hard surfaces, these forces are even less absorbed by the ground, meaning more shock is transferred to your body.

For those with sciatica, this can mean an increased likelihood of nerve irritation each time the foot hits the pavement.

Over time, this can lead to a chronic cycle of pain and inflammation. Opting for low-impact activities such as walking or using an elliptical machine can keep the cardio benefits while significantly reducing the impact on your spine and sciatic nerve.

In all exercises, proper form is crucial, especially when dealing with sciatica.

The key is to strengthen the body without compromising the spine’s health.

It’s essential to work with a physical therapist who can tailor a program to your needs and help navigate which exercises will aid in your recovery rather than hinder it.

Say Goodbye To Sciatica At Tomsic Physical Therapy

This November, we’re excited to introduce a special opportunity at Tomsic Physical Therapy!

As the leaves change, so can your journey with sciatica. That’s why we’re offering a FREE Sciatica Telephone Consultation for those who are ready to take the first step towards a life without pain.

Just give us a call at (970) 259-0574. Our friendly staff will schedule your consultation with one of our expert therapists –where you can share your sciatica story and start finding solutions.

Call us today, and let’s talk about how we can help you live your life to the fullest – without sciatica slowing you down.

We can’t wait to connect with you and support your journey to wellness.

Until next time,

Ellen Tomsic and the Tomsic PT Team

Other Free Resources For Sciatica

Read Our Blog – 4 Things You Could Be Doing That Make Your Sciatica Worse

Read Our Blog – Strength Training In Physical Therapy

On Social Media? Follow Us On – Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

3 Things You Should Do To Prevent Running Injuries

Marathon season is here and running is an invigorating way to stay fit and enjoy the breathtaking landscapes of Durango, Colorado.

But just like swimming, if not done correctly, running can lead to injuries that can sideline your fitness journey.

Does a morning run result in days of agonizing knee pain? If so, this blog is for you.

In this blog, you will delve into what you should be doing to prevent running injuries.

Journey with us as we tread the path to injury-free running!

What Causes Running Injuries

If you find yourself blaming yourself for running injuries, don’t worry.

Runners, regardless of how experienced they are, can face injuries. Some of these injuries might stem from:

Overuse and repetition

Firstly, One of the most prevalent issues faced by runners is the outcome of continuous strain without giving the body ample time to heal and recover.

Running is a high-impact exercise, and each step sends a shockwave through the body.

It’s okay to have a rest day!

When running frequently without giving your body sufficient rest, the repetitive impact can wear down your muscles, tendons, and joints.

Some overuse injuries include: Shin Splints, Runner’s Knee, and Plantar Fasciitis

Improper Footwear

Shoes that don’t provide the right support or don’t fit properly can cause foot and ankle problems.

Running shoes are designed to support the natural structure and gait of the foot.

Using unsuitable shoes, such as flat sandals or old, worn-out trainers, can misalign the foot and create undue stress in certain areas.

Advice from Amber: Get your foot measured and get customized shoes

Training Errors

Suddenly increasing the mileage or intensity can shock the system, making it susceptible to injuries like stress fractures or tendinitis.

Are you running on grass or concrete?

Constantly running on hard surfaces like concrete can be harsh on the joints.

It’s essential to mix it up with softer terrains like trails or grass.

Not Listening to Your Body

We know, you’re determined. But looking after your body is the most important aspect of training.

A slight discomfort, a nagging pain, or a recurring twinge is the body’s way of raising a red flag.

Ignoring these early warnings and pushing through can magnify the issue.

While perseverance is commendable, there’s a fine line between pushing yourself and causing harm.

It’s crucial to distinguish between regular workout fatigue and pain signaling potential harm.

Incorporating these insights into your training regime can ensure a safer, more enjoyable running experience.

Always prioritize your health and well-being above all else.

What You Should Be Doing To Prevent Running Injuries

Prevention is always better than cure, especially when it comes to sports injuries.

Here are three essential practices that can significantly reduce your chances of getting hurt:

Start with a warm-up:

It’s easy to ignore, but it’s essential to warm up!

Just as you’d warm up before diving into a pool, it’s crucial to prepare your body before a run.

Begin with 5-10 minutes of light aerobic exercises like walking or jogging.

Follow this up with dynamic stretches that prime your muscles for the running motion, helping to prevent strains and sprains.

Prioritize Recovery with Cool-Down Stretches:

Warm up, cool down.

After you complete your run, spend some time stretching out your major muscle groups.

Static stretches, held for 15-30 seconds, can help relax muscles, increase flexibility, and decrease post-run stiffness.

This not only enhances recovery but prepares you for your next run.

Our PTA Amber, always ensures she cools down after rock climbing.

Invest In Good Running Shoes & Technique

Footwear matters! Invest in a good pair of running shoes that fit well and offer the right support.

Equally important is refining your running technique.

Good form not only makes you a more efficient runner but also reduces the strain on your joints and muscles, thus mitigating injury risk.

Remember, running isn’t just about speed and endurance; it’s about doing it right.

Is Pain Keeping You Off The Trails? Meet our new PTA, Amber.

This month we would like to welcome you to our newest staff member, Amber!

Amber will be our new Physical Therapy Assistant and she specializes in preventing running injuries and helping those who are injured to ease their pain.

This month we are offering you the chance to win a $50 gift card from Zia Taqueria South.

All you need to do is head down to our clinic, spin our wheel (this decides the question), and if you answer our question about Amber correctly, you will be entered into the prize draw!

(Hint: There are clues in this blog and our social posts this month!)

If you don’t feel ready to head down to the clinic, we’d still like to help you.

Arrange your Free Knee Pain Telephone Consultation by calling our clinic at (970) 259-0574 and a member of the team can arrange your appointment.

This conversation will allow you to discuss your concerns, understand the potential causes, and identify the best way forward for you.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you get back to being the best injury-free version of yourself!

Other Free Resources To Prevent Running Injuries

Read Our Blog – Strength Training In Physical Therapy

Read Our Blog – How To Stop Knee Pain On A Hike

On Social Media? Follow Us On – Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

Sink Or Swim: How To Prevent Common Swimming Injuries

Swimming is a terrific way to stay fit and active, but like any sport, it carries the risk of injury if not performed properly.

Understanding these risks and learning how to mitigate them is essential for anyone who wants to make swimming a regular part of their fitness routine.

Whether you’re a seasoned swimmer or you’re just dipping your toes into the pool for the first time, this blog post is designed to provide you with valuable insight into common swimming injuries and how to prevent them.

Join us as we dive into the world of staying injury-free in the pool!

What Are The Most Common Swimming Injuries?

Swimmers, irrespective of their expertise level, frequently encounter a range of injuries, often resulting from repetitive strain or poor technique.

Among the most common is “Swimmer’s Shoulder”, caused by overuse of shoulder muscles leading to pain and inflammation.

“Breaststroker’s Knee” is another common issue, particularly among those specializing in breaststroke. This condition arises from the twisting motion of the knee during the kick, causing pain on the inside of the knee.

Other typical injuries include neck injuries from improper breathing techniques, lower back injuries due to incorrect turns or strokes, and even foot and ankle injuries from pushing off the pool walls.

Our goal in discussing these common swimming injuries is not to deter or frighten you from embracing this beneficial sport. Instead, we aim to educate and equip you with the essential knowledge to prevent such injuries. By making you aware of these risks, we hope to empower you to dive in with confidence and assurance, enjoy your time in the pool, improve your physical health, and emerge injury-free.

Dive in, swim hard, and leave the pool feeling great!

3 Ways To Prevent Common Swimming Injuries

#1 Warm-Up

Never underestimate the importance of a good warm-up before you plunge into the pool. Warming up elevates your body temperature, enhances circulation, and prepares your muscles and joints for the physical exertion to come.

It’s a crucial step that can significantly reduce the risk of strains, sprains, and other injuries. A warm-up can be as simple as a few minutes of brisk walking or light jogging on the spot, coupled with dynamic stretching exercises that mimic the swimming motions you are about to perform.

This pre-swim ritual not only primes your body for action but also sets the stage for better performance and endurance. Remember, when it comes to preventing injuries, a little warm-up goes a long way.

#2 Post-Swim Stretching

After a strenuous workout in the pool, it’s equally important to give your body time to cool down and stretch. This step aids in preventing your muscles from stiffening up post-swim, ensuring pain and injury-free recovery.

Begin by focusing on the muscle groups you utilized most during your swim, including your shoulders, back, and legs. Gentle, static stretches held for 15 to 30 seconds can help release tension, increase flexibility, and promote muscle recovery.

Remember, stretching should never be rushed or painful. Take your time to perform each stretch correctly, and you’ll be rewarded with a body that’s ready to tackle the next swim session with vigour and vitality.

#3 Work On Your Technique

Perfecting your swimming technique is another effective strategy for avoiding injuries. Each swimming stroke – whether it’s freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, or butterfly – has its unique set of movements and requires a specific set of skills.

By focusing on the technique for each stroke, you can ensure that you’re using the right muscles in the right way, preventing undue strain and reducing the risk of injury.

For instance, perfecting the rotary breathing technique in freestyle can protect your neck, while mastering the correct kick in breaststroke can save your knees.

Remember, in swimming, good technique isn’t just about speed – it’s about swimming smarter and safer.

Is Pain Stopping You Getting In The Pool?

Do you have pain that is knocking your confidence or putting you off getting in the pool? We know pain can be a huge hurdle for our patients to overcome in order to get back to their favourite activities like engaging in their swim routine.

However, the faster you identify where your pain is coming from, the faster you can begin recovery and get your confidence back to jump in the pool!

That’s where we come in. Throughout September we’re offering you the opportunity to take part in a free swim-safe telephone consultation with an expert member of our physical therapy team. This phone call will give you the opportunity to talk about the pain you’re having, and find out the best next steps to get yourself back to feeling your best!

Arrange your free swim-safe telephone consultation by calling our clinic at (970) 259-0574 and a member of the team can arrange your appointment.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you get back to being the best injury-free version of yourself!

Other Free Resources For Swimming

Read Our Blog – Strength Training In Physical Therapy

Read Our Blog – How To Avoid Shoulder Pain During Summer Water Sports

On Social Media? Follow Us On – Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

5 Common Rock Climbing Injuries And How To Prevent Them

Are you an avid rock climber? Looking to perfect your skills, climb higher than ever before, and challenge yourself in ways you never thought possible?

As awesome as it is to mix up your routine and improve on the climbing techniques you’ve been mastering for years, one thing that climbers often overlook is safety.

We know injuries can happen no matter how experienced and knowledgeable a climber may be; but did you know there are some common injuries associated with the sport that could be easily prevented if addressed properly earlier on?

In this blog post, we’ll dive into five of the most common rock climbing injuries faced by climbers of all levels—from beginner to advanced—and provide tips on how to ensure top-notch safety while conquering new heights!

Ankle Sprains

As any experienced rock climber will tell you, ankle injuries are an all-too-common occurrence in the exhilarating world of rock climbing.

Injuries can result from a variety of factors including twisting, awkward landings, and falls. This is the last thing you want to experience when you’ve been looking forward to a summer of scaling rock faces!

Symptoms of an ankle sprain might include tenderness and swelling around the ankle joint, difficulty bearing weight on the affected foot, and stiffness.

While there’s no foolproof way to prevent all ankle injuries, there are steps you can take to lessen your risk. Investing in quality climbing shoes that provide ample support and grip can make all the difference in preventing rock climbing injuries like this, as can practising good balance and proper landing techniques.

Pulled Muscles

Pulled muscles are common rock climbing injuries and can often be the most painful. Pulled muscles can happen because of a lack of stretching or improperly warming up before climbing, but they can also occur from overexertion or sudden movements while on the wall.

Common symptoms of a pulled muscle include pain, tenderness, and weakness in the affected area usually in the arms, shoulders or back.

The good news is that there are steps you can take to prevent pulled muscles when rock climbing.

One important step is to incorporate stretching into your pre-climbing routine, including stretches that target the muscles you will use while climbing.

Another helpful way to prevent pulled muscles is by gradually increasing the intensity and difficulty of your climbs, rather than pushing yourself too hard too fast.

By taking these measures, you can reduce your risk of experiencing a painful and frustrating pulled muscle when rock climbing.

Finger Injuries

As an avid rock climber, it’s important to understand the potential risks and injuries associated with the sport.

One common type of rock climbing injury includes finger injuries, which can result from overuse or falling. These injuries can range from minor cuts and scrapes to more serious conditions, such as sprains or fractures.

Symptoms of a finger injury can include pain, swelling, and difficulty gripping or holding objects. To prevent these types of injuries, it’s important to build up finger strength through specific exercises and stretches, as well as properly warm up before climbing.

Additionally, using the right equipment such as finger tape and climbing gloves can offer extra protection from the wear and tear of rock climbing.

Wrist Injuries

Wrist injuries are unfortunately common in this sport. When you’re scaling a steep rock face using your hands and fingers as your only anchor, it puts quite a bit of strain on your wrists.

The most common types of wrist injuries in rock climbing are sprains and strains, which can occur from overuse or sudden movements.

To prevent these injuries, it’s important to stretch your wrists and forearms before and after a climb and to use proper technique when gripping and pulling on holds.

Additionally, investing in a quality pair of climbing gloves or wrist supports can go a long way in protecting your wrists from injury. If you take these precautions, you’ll be able to continue climbing confidently and injury-free.

Shoulder Injuries

It’s important to identify the most common types of shoulder injuries that can occur during a climb. These include rotator cuff tears, labrum tears, and shoulder dislocations.

Rotator cuff tears are caused by repetitive overhead movements while labrum tears can occur when there is too much stress on the shoulder joint.

Shoulder dislocations are typically caused by a fall or a sudden jolt to the joint. Symptoms of these injuries include pain, weakness, and limited mobility.

To prevent these injuries, climbers can focus on strengthening their shoulder muscles through targeted exercises and ensuring proper form during climbs.

Additionally, using proper equipment such as supportive harnesses and regularly checking gear for wear and tear can also help prevent shoulder injuries during a climb.

Are Untreated Injuries Knocking Your Climbing Confidence?

Are you currently experiencing an injury that could put a stop to your rock climbing plans this summer?

Don’t let it stop you! The best thing you can do for your injury and your summer of scaling rock faces is to get it checked out and start on the path to recovery. The faster you identify the problem and start fixing it, the faster you can get back out there!

Throughout August we’re offering you the opportunity to come into our Durango clinic for a free injury screening. During your free injury screening, you will be able to talk to a member of our expert physical therapy team, find out the cause of your injury and explore the treatment options that best suit you and your recovery so we can get you back to enjoying exhilarating heights and climbs!

Fill in our simple web form to arrange your free injury screening. Alternatively, you can call our clinic at (970) 259-0574 and a member of the team can arrange your appointment.

Other Free Resources For Rock Climbers 

Read Our Blog – Strength Training In Physical Therapy

Read Our Blog – Common Causes Of Heel Pain

On Social Media? Follow Us On – Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

Preventing Foot And Knee Injuries In Dancers

As a dancer, you’ll know the importance of keeping your feet and knees healthy. After all, they are the foundation for your movement—a major source of power and stability when executing jumps or spins.

Unfortunately, it’s easy to forget how much strain our feet take in dance rehearsals until an injury occurs.

As you might already know too well, serious issues with your lower extremities can leave you sidelined for weeks (or even months), putting a huge damper on not only your dancing skills but also your overall health and well-being.

That said, taking some proactive measures can help protect against any number of potential foot and knee injuries common among dancers; read up to learn more about preventing them!

Strengthen Foot And Ankle Muscles

As a dancer, your feet and ankles are your foundation. They support your entire body weight and directly impact your movements.

Unfortunately, foot and knee injuries in dancers are all too common. That’s why it’s crucial to strengthen your foot and ankle muscles regularly.

There are several exercises you can do including calf raises, ankle circles, and toe curls.

Whether you’re a professional dancer or are brand new to dance classes, it’s vital to take the time to look after the foundations of your movements in and outside of your classes!

Work On Your Technique

No matter the style of dance, you’ll always be taught technique.

From landing after a jump to how to step in the correct form, these lessons are taught to save you from foot and knee injuries that could potentially put you out of classes for days or even weeks!

The simple act of landing a dance move may seem like second nature, but it can actually be an incredibly intricate and delicate process that requires a great deal of attention and care.

With proper form and technique, dancers can minimize their chance of injury and maximize their potential for success.

Don’t underestimate the value of working with a skilled dance instructor who can help guide you and provide insights into proper dance form and posture.

With the right training and attention to detail, you’ll be able to avoid painful injuries and continue performing the art you love.

Identify Pain Early

One of the most important pieces of advice I can give to dancers is to pay attention to any signs of pain in their feet or ankles.

These injuries can quickly worsen if not identified and treated early on, making it even more crucial to stay alert and aware of your body’s warning signals.

From ankle sprains to stress fractures, foot and knee injuries are all too common in dancers. However, being proactive and seeking help as soon as you begin to feel discomfort can make all the difference in your recovery time and overall dance experience.

Don’t let a preventable injury force you to sit on the sidelines – take care of your body by identifying pain early and getting the help you need to get back to dancing with joy and ease.

Don’t Just Stretch Before Practice!

Although it may be tempting to skip stretching to save time or only do it before and after practice, this habit can lead to an increased risk of foot and knee injuries.

Not only does stretching improve overall flexibility and range of motion, but it also aids in keeping muscles relaxed and more responsive.

I strongly emphasize the importance of incorporating stretching into your daily routine, regardless of whether or not you have a performance or practice on that particular day.

By taking care of your body with consistent stretching, you can dance your way towards a healthy and thriving future!

Is A Foot Or Knee Injury Preventing You From Dancing Right Now? 

Are you currently worried about an existing foot or knee injury that’s only getting worse? Or do you have a potential injury but you’re not sure how serious it is or if you should get it looked at?

The answer is, you should! And with the help of our latest offer, you can get clarity on your injury and your all-important recovery time.

Throughout July we’re offering you the opportunity to come into our Durango clinic for a free foot and knee pain consultation. During your free foot and knee pain consultation, you will be able to talk to a member of our expert physical therapy team, get to the real cause of your foot or knee pain and explore the treatment options that best suit you and your recovery so we can get you back to dance class as fast as possible.

Fill in our simple web form to arrange your free shoulder pain consultation. Alternatively, you can call our clinic at (970) 259-0574 and a member of the team can arrange your appointment.

Other Free Resources For Dancers 

Read Our Blog – Dance – It’s Good For You!

Read Our Blog – Common Causes Of Heel Pain

On Social Media? Follow Us On – Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn